use macrophages or human PBMCs were loaded with 1 mM FLUO-3-AM for 45 min at 37uC in culture medium. The cells were thoroughly washed with HBSS and suspended in fresh culture medium. An aliquot of cells was diluted in culture medium and when required stimulated with 1 MOI BCG and real 11465152 time increase in intracellular calcium concentration was monitored immediately over a period of 5 min by FACS using FACS Calibur and the data were analyzed employing the CellQuest Pro software. For some groups, cells were incubated with 2 mg/ml of L-type or R-type VGCC for 30 min. Alternatively, DCs transfected with siRNA against L-type or R-type VGCC were used for measuring calcium influx as Ca Channels and Mycobacteria 72uC 1 min; and human b-actin forward 59 AGAAAATCTGGCACCACACC 39 and reverse 59 AGGAAGGAAGGCTGGAAGAG 39 at 95uC 1 min, 60uC 1 min, 72uC 1 min. The products were separated on 1% agarose gel and visualized. following MACS using anti-B220+, anti-CD11c+ and anti-CD11b+ microbeads. The negatively selected T cells were 98% pure as determined by CD90-PE staining. The percentage of IA+ cells in T cell preparations was 0.5%. Microarray analyses All steps were conducted strictly following the manufacturer’s protocol. DCs were infected with BCG for 24 h in the presence and absence of blocking antibodies to L-type and Rtype VGCC. Total RNA was enriched and 2 mg RNA was processed and converted into c-RNA. Following normalization cRNA was probed against pathway specific Th1/Th2/Th3 oligoGEArrays. Intracellular survival of mycobacteria DCs were infected with 1 MOI BCG for 24 h in the presence and absence of antibodies to L-type and R-type VGCC as described above. DCs were then co-cultured for 48 h with BCGspecific T cells enriched from immunized mice. From this coculture DCs were selectively depleted and T cells were cultured for 48 h with M. tuberculosis H37Rv infected macrophages. Cells were lysed and plated in serial dilutions onto 7H11 agar plates. Alternatively, mouse peritoneal macrophages or human PBMCs were infected with 1 MOI M. tuberculosis H37Rv for 24 h. Infected cells were then washed and incubated with antibodies to L-type and R-type VGCC for a further 48 h. Cells were lysed and plated in serial dilutions onto 7H11 agar plates. Two to three week later plates were scored for Colony Forming Units. Elecrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays DCs were infected with 1 MOI BCG for indicated times and nuclear extracts were prepared as described elsewhere. Briefly, at the end of the incubation cells were chilled on ice and washed once with ice-cold PBS and lysed in buffer containing 10 mM HEPES; 10 mM KCl; 0.1 mM EDTA; 0.1 mM EGTA, 0.5% Nonidet P-40, and 2 mg/ml each of aprotinin, leupeptin and pepstatin. The suspension was centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 1 min at 4uC. The nuclear pellet was resuspended in ice-cold extraction buffer- 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.9; 0.4 M NaCl; 1 mM EDTA; 1 mM EGTA; 1 mM DTT; 1 mM PMSF and 2 mg/ml each of aprotinin, leupeptin and pepstatin. EMSA were performed by incubating 1215 mg of nuclear extract with 18772318 32 62717-42-4 biological activity P-end-labeled 19-mer double stranded consensus NF-kB oligonucleotide sequence for 15 min at 37uC. The incubation mixture included 23 mg of poly in a binding buffer. The DNA-protein complex formed was separated from free oligonucleotide on 5% native polyacrylamide gel using buffer containing 50 mM Tris, 200 mM glycine, and 1 mM EDTA, and the gel was then dried. The specificity and extent of binding was examined by competition with u