Ations. The samples were collected directly in the milk cooling tank in each farm; all tanks had one particular or much more agitators which stirred the milk constantly until the cover on the tank was raised for sample collection. Milk samples have been collected by sterile plastic single-use pipettes which have been immersed into the tank to withdraw the samples. A total of 4 samples were collected in the milk tank of each flock, along with a new pipette was used for every sample. Quickly just after collection, samples were transferred into sterile plastic Universal-type vials. Samples were packed at 0.0 to 4.0 C and transported for laboratory examinations [4].Biology 2021, ten,three ofBiology 2021, 10,3 ofsamples have been transferred into sterile plastic Universal-type vials. Samples have been packed at 0.0 to 4.0 and transported for laboratory examinations [4].Figure 1. Place of 325 sheep flocks around Greece, which have been visited for bulk-tank milk sampling. Figure 1. Place of 325 sheep flocks about Greece, which have been visited for bulk-tank milk sampling.two.two. Laboratory Examinations two.two. Laboratory Examinations From the 4 milk samples collected in the milk tank of each flock, two samples have been Of your 4 milk samples collected from the milk tank of every single flock, two samples had been utilized for somatic cell counts (SCC) and milk composition measurement; the otherotherwere made use of for somatic cell counts (SCC) and milk composition measurement; the two two have been used for the bacteriological examinations. subsamples have been have been createdprocessed used for the bacteriological examinations. Two Two subsamples produced and and processed from every single of your 4 samples, such that eachtest was performed performed(each and every from each in the 4 samples, such that each separate separate test was 4 times 4 instances (each one particular in distinctive subsamples). a single in different subsamples). SCC and milk composition measurement were performed within 4 h of collection, whilst SCC and milk composition measurement had been performed within four h of collection, while bacteriological examinations began within 24 h of sample collection [4]. Bacteriobacteriological examinations started inside 24 h of sample collection [4]. Bacteriological logical examinations from each ofrelevant subsamplessubsamples incorporated total bacterial examinations from every on the four the four relevant incorporated total bacterial counts (TBC), counts (TBC), performed by employing theprocedures described by Laird et al. [12], and performed by employing the standardized standardized procedures described by Laird et al. [12],on Staphylococcus-selective medium (Mannitol salt agar; BioPrepare Microbiology, culturing and culturing on Staphylococcus-selective medium (Mannitol salt agar; BioPrepare Microbiology, Pirimiphos-methyl Inhibitor Athens, Greece) for aerobic incubation at 37 forno development, media Athens, Greece) for aerobic incubation at 37 C for 48 h; if there was 48 h; if there was no development, media were re-incubated for a further 24 h. After completion ofwithdrawal for were re-incubated for any additional 24 h. Just after completion of sample aliquot sample aliquot withdrawal for examination, the examination, on the respective samplesrespective samples microbiological microbiological temperature the temperature of the was measured and was measured and was located to never Cy5-DBCO Biological Activity exceed 3.8 . found to in no way exceed 3.eight C. Bacterial isolation and initial identification by indicates Gram staining and evaluation Bacterial isolation and initial identification by indicates ofof Gram staining and ev.